Kate and Jason's African Adventures

Jason and Kate's African adventures starts right here. There should be plenty to read (thanks to Kate) and plenty of photographs to see (thanks to Jas). Hope you enjoy following our adventures. Check out new photographs at www.wildlightphotography.co.uk

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hi everybody - my turn to get a word in edgeways!!!! Here are a few photographs that go with the text underneath - I hope that you like them. The Lion Kill was a something that I would never dared dream that we would see - let alone so close. I also saw a Black Egret later that day which I had really wanted to see after watching a BBC program on the Okovango Delta many years ago!!! Off into the delta in a couple of days and then on to South Luangwa in Zambia - We'll try to post a new blog then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!

What adventures you are having, I had my heart in my mouth as I read about your trip down Van Zyl's pass - who was this madman Van Zyl anyway? Your landy and your nerve are certainly doing you proud.

The photographs are (as expected) spectacular Jas - well done.

I have always wanted to do Namibia and have promised myself that I shall one day.

I do remember South Luangwa with much fondness, the elephants miandering past our tent and the big pussy cats were cute!! saw some lionesses hunting a herd of buffalo in the twilight, didn't get to see leopard though. Myrthe and I visited before we left Malawi.

Take care of each other and be assured that your bloggs are read and re-read. I print them off and read them several times, for fear of missing something

Take care of each other, stay safe
Luvsiwuvsi Pauline xxxxxxxxxxx

5:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hold my breath so much whilst reading about your adventures that I am in serious danger of becoming anoxic! Can't quite believe you are so close to all this raw wildlife (and death), but the stunning pictures prove it. Nice aeroplane too. Just dug out my Rough Guide to Botswana and Zimbabwe (1990 edition) and wont be able to resist looking at my photoalbums to catch up with you at Vic Falls. I admire your stamina. Keep it up.
Edmund and Prudence

9:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well kiddies, you are seeming to find all the highlights aren't you. Blondie, did like it that Kate doesn't trust you on the tough bits - hee hee.
Really impressed by the latest photos Jase. On a slightly critical (in a positive way!) front, would it be possible that when you click on an image it actually goes to full screen size?

Anyway, in case you are interested, it's raining in London today - so much for a picnic in the park :-(



11:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Both, well, what can we say?The pics are as stunning as ever. Stay safe though,these pussy cats are biggggggggg.Carry on having a brilliant time, we're off to Kenya on Thurs. but don't think we'll see half of what you're seeing.Look forward to next blogg.Love to both. Dad, Jan and James. x x x

11:49 pm  

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